Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Blogging our shoot

My group and I planned to meet each other for filming at 10 am, we arrived at our filming location at 10:30am. Our first job was to collect our baby actor, Luke, who lived two doors away from our filming location. We planned to start filming as soon as we had our actors but the female actor, Georgia, had not arrived and had phoned me to say she would be at the location by 11:00am. We decided that we would wait for her because we could not film most of the shoot properly without her being there. At 11:30 we decided that we would change the shoot a little bit and film the bathroom scene first, the problem we faced with this was that we could not put blood onto the male actor, Jake, because if we did it would ruin the continuity for the rest of the shoot.

At around 12pm Georgia arrived for filming, when she arrived we had not finished filming so we asked her to sit in the room we would be filming in and play with Luke while we waited to film her scenes. As we were filming the last 2 shots of the bathroom scene which included a cat running down stairs we heard a loud cry come from the bedroom, Georgia then carried Luke out to the hall way of the house we were filming in and we noticed straight away that he was tired and need a sleep before we could film with him, but we did not have enough time for him to have a sleep.

Luke's mum then took Luke off set for 30 minutes while we put Georgia's fake blood make up on and filmed parts of the scene that Luke was not needed for, he had seemed to calm down. As we put Luke into position to film he started to cry again and was getting restless, my group and I (mostly me) started to get annoyed with the fact that we were struggling to film his shots because he was so restless and crying, but we could not blame Luke as he is just a baby and if our actors were on time it would have been fine. We then decided that we would have to work with what we had of Luke and moved on with the filming. We then filmed the rest of the scenesin the bedroom where Luke could not be seen, this took us around 30 minutes and then we decided to move onto the final scenes.

From filming in the bedroom we decided to film the final bits where Jake leaves the house and walks down the street. This was an easy and simple procidure and took us around 30 minutes. If my group could do this shoot again we would plan it without a baby and we would put more time into it and get a lot more shots.